Major Oak Chorus Time to Sing Course. Week 1.

7:15pm, Tue, 5 Sep 2023

  • Event Details
  • Type of event: Workshop
    Start time: 7:15pm
    Venue: Carlton Junior School, Foxhill Road, Carlton, Nottingham, NG4 1QT
    Description: Major Oak Chorus Time to Sing Course. Week 1.
    Have you ever thought about taking up singing for fun? The Major Oak Chorus of male barbershop singers will be running a 6 week ‘a cappella’ group singing course, starting on 5th September. The sessions will be held each Tuesday evening, commencing at 7.30pm, at the Chorus’ rehearsal venue - Carlton Junior School on Foxhill Road, Nottingham NG4 1QT.

    Singing has been shown to be not just fun but to have many other benefits for your health and wellbeing. The course is free and you don’t need to have any previous musical experience or to be able to read music. All ages welcome, so why not give it a go?
    If you’d like to enroll or would like any further details, just email or phone membership secretary John Mason on 07957838387.
  • Programme
  • Start timeActivityMusicMinutesRun byDetails/Notes
    7:15pmBump in 5 Set Up Risers
    7:20pmIntroduce group 5Pete DowlingWho's who. The plan for the course.
    7:25pmIntroduce group 5Pete DowlingThe plan for the evening.
    7:30pmWarm-ups 15Pete DowlingGuest ed. Reason for WU. Physical/Mental focus.
    7:45pmCoaching 15Pete DowlingGuest ed. Craft session. Stance, Vowels, Chords.
    8:00pmCoaching 5Pete DowlingGuest ed. Voice part allocation. Try for balance.
    8:05pmSection rehearsalAmarillo (Is This The Way To) (G)30Pete DowlingGuest ed + SL. Song 1. Bars 1-28. Intro & Verses.
    8:35pmBreak 15 Get to know you session/general chat.
    8:50pmRehearse songAmarillo (Is This The Way To) (G)30Pete DowlingGuest ed. Full chorus rehearsal. Song 1, Bars 1-28.
    9:20pmDiscussion 5Pete DowlingDebrief. Ask participants to practice Bars 29-44.
    9:25pmBump out 5Pete DowlingPut Risers Away
    Programme Duration: 135 minutes; Finish time: 9:30pm